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At Ashton Primary School, we believe that, as we live in an increasingly technological society, we need to prepare children to live and work in that environment. The school believes that Computing and the associated technologies:

  • Provide children with immediate access to a rich source of materials;
  • Present information in new ways that help pupils understand, access and use it more readily;
  • Motivate and enthuse pupils;
  • Offer opportunities for effective group work;
  • Have the flexibility to meet the individual needs and abilities of each pupil.



We offer a structure of lessons that build up on prior knowledge and skills required to meet the aims of the National Curriculum. On top of this, we encourage the children to deepen their understanding and knowledge of how computers work and how they can be utilised for meaningful and purposeful activities. Ultimately, we want our children to leave Ashton as responsible digital citizens with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a technology-led world.



We strive to implement these aims through a variety of strategies. All age groups gain experience of programming, whether through the programming of robots or through on-screen programming opportunities. Weekly online safety discussions, as well as specific online safety lessons, help to ensure that staying safe online is at the forefront of children's learning at all times.  Progression, continuity and the teaching of the appropriate skills, attitudes and knowledge has been established by making links between Computing and other areas of the curriculum where appropriate.  This allows children to make relevant links between the Computing skills they are learning and the application of these in a real context. Alongside specific Computing content, children are taught transferable skills that are relevant to other aspects of the curriculum.



As computer scientists, our children will gain a variety of subject specific vocabulary and the ability to apply their computing skills effectively within everyday life and in the future. Our learners will develop their computational thinking and problem solving skills, understand how to use technology in a purposeful manner, and become responsible digital citizens. Formative assessment is used throughout our lessons and key content and concepts revisited at the start of each lesson to embed knowledge in the children's long-term memory.

our curriculum overview

computing ltp 2023 24.pdf