Ashton Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the physical, mental and emotional welfare of every pupil. we implement a whole-school preventative approach to managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring that the wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all action taken. we recognise that no single professional can have a full picture of a child's needs and circumstances. If children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.
All staff and Governors receive Safeguarding training annually to support them in their role.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) at Ashton Primary School are:
Safeguarding Team (ID 1135)
Mrs CraigHead Teacher & Lead DSL
Mrs Craig
Mr PayneDeputy Head Teacher & Deputy DSL
Mr Payne
Mrs ReadeySENDCO & Deputy DSL
Mrs Readey
Mrs KennardLearning Mentor & Backup DSL
Mrs Kennard
Our Safeguarding Governor is: Professor Edward Smith
Our Online Safety Lead is: TBC
In order to read our policy for Safeguarding please visit the 'Policies' page on our website.
Click here to read our Safeguarding information for visitors