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Early Help

At Ashton we understand that sometimes everyone needs a little bit of help, which is why we offer an Early Help Service at school which is available for all of our children and families.

The Ashton Early Help Team:

Pastoral Lead: Miss Fairclough (Deputy DSL / SENCO)

Learning Mentor: Mrs Kennard (Backup DSL)


Early Help is about families receiving the right support as soon as possible. This can include support from school or support from other services, including the Child and Family Wellbeing Service.

Families can need support for a variety of reasons including:

  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health challenges (children and parents)
  • Behaviour, routines and boundaries
  • Changes in family circumstances, including relationship breakdown, parental conflict and bereavements
  • Special Education Needs and Additional Needs, including signposting and referring to appropriate services
  • Parent needs, including support with food parcels, housing and family finances

The Family Support Worker also works closely with all staff in school to support the children as well liaising with external services, including signposting families and making referrals.

If you think our Early Help Team could help you or your child in anyway then please contact any of the above staff members by telephoning, emailing or talking to us on the gate.

Find out more about details of external family support services using the following links:

Child and Family Wellbeing Service

Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service

Healthy Young Minds

NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Talking Therapies

Mind Lancashire (Information for Supporting Adult Mental Health)

Lancashire's Local SEN Offer