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Key Stage 2 Results

The results below show the most recent reported results for Ashton Primary, this was for the 2022-2023 academic year.

DFE note: School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently

From 2016 , children have been assessed against 'Age Related Expectations'

The assessment table show the percentage of our pupils who achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (R/W/M) and Grammar, spelling and punctuation. 


Children at Ashton


the expected standard



National figures Children achieving greater depth


scaled score

 R/W/M (combined) 47% 60% 7% (Nat 8%) N/A
 Reading 57% 73% 13%(Nat 29%) 102 (Nat 105)
Writing 77% 71% 10% (Nat 13%) Writing doesn't have a scaled score
 Maths 63% 73% 13%(Nat 24%) 103 (Nat 104)

Click here to see Ashton Primary School's Performance Tables